
On occasion of World Vegan Day which is being celebrated across the world. We at Living Free with the collaborative efforts from fellow activists across India came up with this brilliant idea to encourage masses to end species discrimination – ‘ERASE THE DIVIDE’. In this, we are not only going to encourage people to stop the use of animals and animal products in food and clothing but also question the very foundation of this exploitative relationship with animals!

This is a great opportunity to engage on the topic of species diversity and sentience, with a fun creative element of a photo booth. Along with this photo booth, call out cards and handy cards with many similarities between humans and farmed animals will help to broaden the horizon of peoples’ minds.

43 cities across India have signed up for this campaign where we sent them World Vegan Day kits which includes:
1)  2 x 2 feet Photo Frame
2)  Callout cards
3)  Information cards to share information

26 cities have already celebrated World Vegan Day through Erase The Divide campaign reaching out to thousands of people across the country. This will be further taken ahead throughout the World Vegan Month i.e. November

You can also be part of this celebration. Write to us to get World Vegan Day kit: livingfree@www.fiapo.in