
SJSC develops an app for Indie Lovers

Sare Jahan Se Acha Socio Eco Pol Foundation is registered under section 8 NPO (Non for Profit Organisation) which works for stray dogs under the leadership of Mr. Raja Narasimhan.  The organisation has developed an all India Hyper local INDIES platform sponsored by Tata Trusts and Abzooba Infotech Pvt Ltd. to connect stray dogs to volunteers. INDIES is a technology platform which aims to enable volunteers in India who are directly working in the field to perform their tasks more effectively and efficiently. It is a Hyper-local Connect & Care system. It aims to reduce the human-animal conflict through various educative & awareness drives, speed up sterilization drives to scientifically and systematically control the Indies population and Implement various vaccination programs including Anti-Rabies through the existing channels.

Through INDIES, the organisation hope to achieve 5-C’s i.e. Collar (Indies will be collared with an inbuilt NFC chip to store details of that Indie), Census (Get proper area-wise census), Control (Sterilization and vaccination through the AWBI’s ABC/AR program), Co-exist (Spread awareness about the importance of human & animal co-existence) and Collaborate (Connect with animal welfare workers, the veterinary fraternity and other related service providers)

When FIAPO reached out to Mr. Raja Narasimhan from Sare Jahan Se Acha Socio Eco Pol Foundation and he told us about the amazing application that they developed and told us about his plans to spread the INDIES app among all the dog lovers of India. Expanding the reach of such essential app is critical in the community of animal lovers to gather sufficient information and address the key issues of animal welfare.  Hence FIAPO made sure to spread the INDIES app on its various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and outreached the app amongst the potential users.

You can read more about their app here - Indies.net.in
